Innovative Solutions to Address Life's Occupations
Focus Point Therapy, LLC

25811 W. 12 Mile Rd. Suite 207

Southfield, MI 48034


Phone: 248.356.7415

Fax: 248.356.7416

We need to organize information 

and plan an appropriate response

Sensory Integration

Sensory Processing is credited to the work of  A. Jean Ayres, PhD, OTR


To explore our world, we need to interpret things in our environment:


Children need to explore their world full of sounds and objects that move when touched.

         Why Play?


Confidence needs to be established with:

This confidence will allow a child to play on a variety of objects that can be found on the playground and in the classroom. 

Examples of environments that a child needs to be able to explore and interact with:

Our reaction to our environment is an end product of all of our senses gathering information about our surroundings.  If the information gathered is not balanced, then our reaction to the environment will be off.

Sensory Integration
SIPT Evaluation
Interactive Metronome
Events and Programs
Therapeutic Listening
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